Where to Get Free Newspaper?

Want to know where to get free newspaper? Free print and digital newspapers for reading and packing save money versus purchase price. Libraries and online sources are among the options available to obtain free newspapers. Use our list of places to find free newspapers to your advantage.

Where to Get Free Bulk Newspapers?

Need packing paper? Find a bulk newspaper provider to reduce the number of places you’ll visit to acquire enough for the move or other tasks you’ll complete. Considering packing paper often costs upward of $20 for 200 sheets at a moving company, using free newspaper sources saves considerable money.

Places to look for bulk newspapers include:

Recycling Center: Visit the local recycling center to ask if you can take a bundle or two of the donated papers customers drop off. Most will oblige the request.

Local Libraries: Libraries often times subscribe to numerous papers, giving them collections of out-of-date papers for recycling purposes. Contact the library to learn what their policy for the papers and to request a donation of the papers.

Newspaper Offices: Check with local newspaper offices for bulk supplies of papers. Most recycled extra copies and misprints.

Friends & Family: Friends, neighbors, coworkers and family members may also have unwanted newspapers they’ll give to you. Check with social media sites and sites such as Craigslist as well.

Stores: Local supermarkets, convenience stores, and coffee shops often offer free newspapers, ads, real estate booklets, etc. that can help with the newspaper need.

Where to Get Free Newspaper?

Where to Get Free Newspaper for Reading?

Keep up with current events by obtaining free newspapers. Contact several local newspapers to learn if they offer any free trial papers. While rare, it’s still possible. Digital newspapers are also oftentimes available at no charge.

Best places to look for free newspapers for reading:

Hotels: Hotel guests get a free daily paper. Call several area hotels to find out what they do with old papers that guests didn’t use or that guests leftover.

Local Library: The local library offers the current day’s newspaper to read in the library. Older editions are also available. Some libraries may allow you to take home older papers.

Coffeeshops: Coffee and newspaper go together like butter and bread. Check with local coffee shops to grab their old papers if they have no other use for them.

If you’re searching for digital newspapers, choices include:

Library of Congress: Chronicling America. Newspapers published between 1789 – 1963. Visit the website for more information.

Local Library: Use ProQuest or NewspaperARCHIVE at your local library to access historical newspapers.

Google News’ Newspaper Archive: More than 1,000 newspapers fill this collection. Papers from across the country are accessible. Papers in the collection were published between 1779 – 2012.


Many sources for free newspapers exist, no matter the reason you want the paper or the edition you prefer. Use the information above if you need free newspapers.