If you have a deposit account at any Bank of America, you can cash a check for a large amount of money, or any amount, at one of their branch locations at no charge. Bank of America Check Cashing can be done inside of the bank, at the drive-through, or even deposit your check into your account through the automatic teller machine.
If you don’t have a bank account at Bank of America, and the check is drawn on this bank, they may charge a fee to cash the check depending on the type of check to be cashed. You will also need to go inside of the bank to cash the check as they will not assist with this kind of transaction through drive-through banking.
This bank generally will not cash a check issued from another bank unless you have an account with Bank of America. You could open an account and possibly deposit the check as well. They do offer checking and savings accounts along with various other types of deposit accounts.
They also have specific limits on checks cashed if you do not have a Bank of America account. These limits may also be affected by the kind of check you want to cash.
Here are some essential details on Bank of America check cashing.

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How Bank of America Handles Cashing Larger Checks
If you have an account at Bank of America, there is no charge to cash a check. It is free. However, if you don’t have an account at Bank of America and need to cash a check that is issued by Bank of America, there may be fees. If the check is written for under $50, they do not charge a fee. If the check is over $50, the bank charges a check cashing fee of $8 per check.
If you do not have an account at Bank of America and need to cash a large check or a cashier’s check that is issued by the bank, they have no limits on the amount of the check to be cashed. If the check is presented inside of the branch to be cashed, the limit is sometimes determined at the bank manager’s discretion based on the availability of funds at that particular branch office.
There are other options for Bank of America check cashing. If you have a family member or friend with an account at this bank, you can always endorse the check to the friend or family member.
If you don’t have an account at Bank of America and the bank was issued from another bank, they will not cash the check at Bank of America. They may also make exceptions under certain circumstances for tax refund checks, government, and payroll checks.